Privacy Policy
At the Aller Foundation (the "Foundation"), we place a very high priority on data security and confidentiality. In this privacy policy, you may read about how we handle the information which comes into our possession.
1. Data control
The Foundation is the data controller in the processing of your personal data. Our contact information is as follows:
The Aller Foundation
Central Business Register no. (CVR no.): 70 17 33 28
c/o Richard Sand
Langelinie Allé 35
2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
2. Scope of processing and categories of personal data
In connection with the processing of applications, the Foundation uses certain information about the applicant in order to ensure that the application is processed correctly. The data used by the Foundation includes standard personal data (name, email address, telephone number, home address, title, educational background, etc.) and civil registration number. The Foundation only processes data which is relevant and adequate to achieve our outlined objectives.
The Foundation also collects and stores certain data in connection with the processing of applications and the preparation of statistics about the Foundation. In addition, it may be laid down by law which type of data is required to collect and store for operational purposes.
3. Recipients
We pass on personal data to our foundation administrator. The foundation administrator only processes the personal data on behalf of the Foundation and in accordance with the instructions of the Foundation.
We may also transfer your personal data to third parties if we are ordered to do so. This may e.g. be to the tax authorities and other public authorities.
4. Third countries
The Foundation will not transfer your personal information to third countries (countries outside the EU/EEA).
5. Security
We have a range of internal procedures and policies designed to ensure that we live up to our applicable security standards, which comply with the requirements for implementation of suitable technical and organisational security measures.
If a need exists to send us sensitive personal data, we recommend that encryption is used, such as secure email or code-protected files (Word or PDF format).
6. Storage and deletion
We will delete the personal data received when we no longer need to process it for one or more of the purposes mentioned above. As ageneral rule, personal data will be deleted no later than five years after the end of the financial year to which the data relates, unless accounting or legal reasons make it necessary to extend this period.
7. Your rights
You are entitled to access your personal data processed by us, however, subject to certain statutory exceptions. Furthermore, you may object to collection and further processing of your personal data. You are also entitled to have your personal data corrected or to ask us to limit the processing of your personal data.
If you make a request to this effect, we will without undue delay delete the personal data we have registered about you, unless we are entitled to keep processing the data on a different basis, for instance if such processing is necessary in order to be able to establish a legal claim, or if it is necessary in order for us to be able to respond to questions from you.
In certain circumstances you may also ask us to provide you with a copy of your personal data in a structured, generally applied and machine-readable format and request that we transfer the data to another data controller (data portability).
If our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you may at any time revoke your consent. To do so, you need to contact us (see below). If you revoke your consent, we will cease to process your personal information, unless we are entitled or obligated to continue our processing or storage of your personal information on a different basis, including pursuant to the law. Revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the processing that took place prior to such revocation.
If you want to exercise your rights as described above, feel free to contact us at any time (see below).
In connection with inquiries concerning your rights, we ask that you provide us with adequate information to process your inquiry, including your full name and your email address, so that we may identify you and respond to your inquiry. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
Feel free to contact us if you disagree with the way in which we process your personal information or the purposes for which we process the information.
8. Changes to our privacy policy
We reserve our right to change this privacy policy due to material amendments to legislation or new technical solutions.
9. Contact
Write to - subject: Privacy Policy if you want us to change or delete personal information we have registered about you, if you no longer want to receive notices from us, or if you have any questions concerning the guidelines of our privacy policy.